Caftans & Cocktails with Iviye Patterns
Updated: Oct 13, 2021

Who doesn’t love to lounge around in a flowing gown, drinking a fancy cocktail?!
– Now, that's a trend I can get behind.
Thanks Meg (@cookinandcraftin) and Loni (@havinsewmuchfun) for creating #caftansandcocktails2020, adding a twist this year and asking me to participate!
It was on a Caftans and Cocktails weekend that I discovered the Goddess Dress pattern by Iviye and I instantly knew it was the one! As a pattern maker myself, I wanted to know all about Iviye Patterns and I’m stoked that Lynn, the pattern maker and owner, let me do an interview with her.

Ok… let’s get to it!
-When did you start making your own clothes and why did you get started?
Technically, I started designing my own clothes in elementary school and definitely by 7th grade. I remember being really into styling my outfits when I was about 7 or 8. My Mom is a seamstress, so I would come up with the ideas and she would sew them.
-What was your journey into pattern making like? Was there something that got you started drafting your own patterns?
I graduated from college with a B.A. in English but really wanted to pursue fashion. I decided to go to design school (Bauder College from back in the day) and began learning draping and pattern construction. I worked regular shmegular jobs, but would always create a collection on the side. Whether it was womenswear or handbags, I would test my skills with design and pattern making over the years. Most recently, I thought I really wanted to launch a handbag line. I knew that I loved EVERYTHING about fashion, So I wanted to start with women's clothing. I started learning about drafting patterns through Adobe Illustrator, a few years ago, as I was already using it for my branding and consulting business. Then, I decided to learn pattern making software and that's where I am today. Besides, paying for patterns became so expensive!

-As an Entrepreneur, I’ve always believed that a business owner has a sense of duty to create a product when we feel the market is missing something. What was missing for you that pushed you to create Iviye Patterns?
You are so right about that! I always thought there was a certain level of dryness to commercial patterns. I knew the sizing didn't reflect my body type, even in my slimmer days. LOL! So, that's the market that I target... women who want modern patterns in sizes and fit they can relate to.
-Iviye is such a unique name, does it have a personal meaning or origin?
My first name is Ivy, but I never use it. Only my teachers and people who don't know me would call me Ivy. But, I thought it was a great name for the line. I just wanted to tweak the spelling of it and that's what I did.
-Where do you find the most inspiration for your business and patterns?
My inspiration comes from the runways and also from vintage. I adore vintage and grew up visiting thrift shops with my Mom. I am also highly-inspired by prints, such as African, and amorphous shapes. I like to look at things and wonder how I can make it look different. In the coming months, my designs will go even more modern, as I mix shapes and silhouettes.
-What’s something most sewists don’t know about a pattern maker?
Pattern making isn't easy. LOL! It's a skill, just like sewing and, to me, there is a different level of satisfaction if you're pattern making versus draping. A lot of pattern making is me seeing something in my mind and trying to translate it to paper through computer-aided design and, then, to fabric.
-If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before starting your pattern line what would it be?
You won't be 100% ready, but do it anyway. You'll be fine, even with all of the mistakes. You're built for this!
-With that last question in mind, is there a tip you would love to share that might empower an aspiring pattern maker?
Absolutely! Learn as much as you can and be resourceful, especially if you have more time than money. Start simple, but start! Everything doesn't have to be perfect. Choose a simple design that you love, make the pattern for it, get support (Facebook groups for pattern makers can be helpful), and pull the trigger. You only need one design to get started.
-I love that you recognize “curvy comes in every size” and offer such a wide range in your patterns, but that’s not always easy to do! What is your biggest challenge when creating a size-inclusive brand?
Thank you! Knowing that being size-inclusive isn't simple and someone is going to feel left out, no matter what, is my biggest challenge.
(@robbynu42 | @joanna_essentials | @thestylecooperative | Photos from Iviye Instagram)
-The PDF pattern industry, for a while, has been pretty homogeneously White (and female). What is working and what changes would you like to see?
Hmmm...great question. What I've learned by working in branding and marketing is companies know who their target market is and they're marketing to them. It works for them, so why would they have any incentive to change? I think it's imperative that new PDF pattern companies enter the space and know their target market. The space is wide open for women (and men) of color. I, personally, don't believe that we should ask for others to include us. Let's build it, get support, and make it happen for ourselves.
-I know how I felt in my Goddess Dress and that was absolutely FABULOUS! How do you want Sewists to feel wearing your designs?
Awww...thank you so much! I want women to feel sexy, edgy, and comfortable in my designs. Who was the person that said high-fashion had to be uncomfortable? Probably was a man. LOL!
-What’s a fun fact we don’t know about you?
I loved roller skating as a kid and teen. So, that's something that I've decided to start doing again (outdoors). At my age, it should be interesting! I also want to learn to play the guitar before 2020 ends because why the hell not!!!
So… here’s my Goddess Dress and H-E-L-L-O I feel like a damn Goddess!
I made this the other night and when I finished, I tried it on, slept in it and then wore it the entire following day. I have no shame in this quarantined life and this is easily going to be my new look-fabulous-while-going-nowehere-living-my-best-pandemic-life dress.
I made a size large and made zero fit changes... the drape is killer and there’s so much versatility to this pattern. It’s such a fast and simple make… the instant gratification was so satisfying.

The fabric you ask?! Well it’s a new print design that’s a part of a larger collection that I’m hoping to release soon. I had it printed at and they are quickly becoming my new go-to for custom fabric printing.
Of course I was about 8” too short when I ordered my fabric yardage so I had a make-it-work moment adding a black sheer band… I really love that I turned an oops into a cool design feature. The Goddess Dress is prime to reinvent and make a different versions.

This week's cocktail of choice is a Margarita… because tequila needs to happen (on the daily) in the summer. How do I make mine you ask? Well it’s pretty simple: Take 1.5 parts tequila, .5 parts Cuantro (or orange liqueur), juice of a lime and a lemon, splash of OJ. Shake in a shaker with ice, pour into a glass and top with Topo-Chico. DELICIOUS.
That's it for my #CaftansandCocktails2020 thanks for swinging by, meeting Lynn and checking out my make! I want to thank my two daughters for being my photographers while I sipped on a cocktail before noon... just your average Saturday.